Trevor (132-97-3) : Tyson (127-102-3)
Match #1 – S. GELARDI vs LEYTE
The first of three primetime matches tonight. As Team S. Gelardi sits 6 points back of Team Nelson for first in the half, and 5 points back of the other Gelardi team. A win from either of those teams forces Team S. Gelardi to have a big night, at least 25+ points. The key for this match will be the battle at the interior positions as both have a pretty even matchup. At third you have the high-flying Brett Hendrickson (915) who comes in with the higher ceiling having one of the leagues 1200+ weeks not long ago, but goes against Linda Orne (1039) who has the higher floor this season with only 9 weeks under 900 as compared to Brett’s 14. The same kind of close matchup can be seen at 2nd with Kelly Smith (959) going toe-to-toe with Wayne King (1079). If S. Gelardi wants the best chance to win the half they likely need 7 points between these two matches minimum.
Over/Under: Linda Orne Left Corner Spares for the season (99.5) [currently 97]
Tyson’s Pick: Team Leyte
Trevor’s Pick: Team S. Gelardi
Match #2 – COOK vs. YOUZWA
This will be a good warmup match for the B-side rolloffs. Tim Hooper (830) more than doubled the points he had since his return with a 3.5-1.5 thwarting of Erik Stewart (749). With Trevor Cook (977) officially out of the hunt for high average there is not much to play for in this match except pride and fun. If anything this will be a good practicing week for Colton Youzwa (915) who has been on a slippery slope the past two months, with 4/7 weeks being under 920. If this team can rebuild the ends of the team, they can put together a decent run in the rolloffs.
Over/Under: Tracy Jubinville Right Corners for the season (124.5) [currently 119]
Tyson’s Pick: Team Cook
Trevor’s Pick: Team Cook
Match #3 – LOURENCO vs MAY
With Kyle Young (974) losing his high average position to Brandon Mansell (1151) last week, he will need at least 1073 this week to gain it back assuming Brandon’s average does not move. Aside from that Team May is just looking to end the season with a bang before they start their B-side run next week. Team Lourenco is just looking to bust out of their slump as they have only broken 3600 once in the last four weeks and have seemed to lost that team mojo that made them so dangerous early in the season.
Over/Under: Kyle Young Middle Hits for the season (949.5) [currently 912]
Tyson’s Pick: Team Lourenco
Trevor’s Pick: Team May
Team LaMonica needs 11 points to lock up their A-side spot, but likely even 6 would suffice as Team Stevenson is still 21 points back. The team is hoping Andrew LaMonica (846) will be one of those points but seeing as last week he became the first player this season to be shutout in three consecutive weeks, the odds are not in his favour. The rest of the team was quite fine last week on a personal level, with Chris Dewar (1061) even setting a new high total for the season to beat Roland Flaig (934). Team Armstrong picked up a win last week, but was inches away from choking. The team had a 211-pin lead going into the last game and lost game four by 201 pins. Luckily for them only one player truly choked and that was Kevin Boyko (1002) who saw his 99-pin lead disappear very quickly against Alyssa Gelardi (1027) with a 204-328 finish costing him the game and total.
Over/Under: Kevin Boyko Pins Left for the season (499.5) [476 currently]
Andrew LaMonica Points (0.5)
Tyson’s Pick: Team LaMonica
Trevor’s Pick: Team LaMonica
Team Stevenson will be throwing up a hail mary tonight as they try to complete an impossible comeback on Team LaMonica, needing both a very strong night, 27+ points and for an almost equally strong performance from Team Armstrong to beat down Team LaMonica. The brunt of that burden will fall to Dylan Stevenson (962) who faces off with the league high average Brandon Mansell (1151), Dylan will need to come out with a win tonight and keep the losses close if he wants to keep the dream alive.
Over/Under: Cindy Cousins Pins Left for the season (999.5) [currently 970]
Tyson’s Pick: Team Rodych
Trevor’s Pick: Team Stevenson
Match #6 – NELSON vs. COSTELLO
The second of the prime-time matches has Team Nelson trying to hold onto the first-place position in the half. The two main areas of focus will be on Tyson Nelson (1109) who will need to stay on top of Kyle Costello (1208) who after last week became the first player this season to break the 1200-mark for a second time. The other part that will play a big factor is if we will see Matt Turanski this week and if we do, which version of him will we see. This will be the make or break for totals for sure. Team Nelson will also be looking for a bounce back week from Erik Stewart (749) after Tim Hooper (830) gave him a D- on his bowling test last week.
Over/Under: Matt Turanski Chop Spares for the season (9.5) [currently 9]
Tyson’s Pick: Team Costello
Trevor’s Pick: Team Nelson
Match #7 – STEEVES vs. HOWARTH
This feels like a very fitting way to end the regular season between these two teams. I expect this to be a fun light hearted matchup and the true definition of a windup sort of night.
Over/Under: Mark Prystupa Pins Left for the season (1999.5) [currently 1941]
Drinks consumed by both teams (29.5)
Tyson’s Pick: Team Steeves
Trevor’s Pick: Team Steeves
Match #8 – D. GELARDI vs. MEURRENS
The final of the primetime matches features Team D. Gelardi just 1 point back of Team Nelson and only 5 points up on brother team, Team S. Gelardi. Their success will hinge in two locations. The first being right at the top with Robbie Hendrickson (955) who has been a roller coaster this season and despite a favourable matchup with Chad Hurd (798) could run into trouble if he dips back down towards his floor. The second hinge will be at the third position where Roland Flaig (934) faces off with one of the strongest thirds in the league, Jessica Meurrens (995). With a Team Nelson loss, Team D. Gelardi likely would only need a small win ~20 points to secure the half, otherwise it might be a back and forth right down to game four.
Over/Under: Brooke Goulet Headpins for the season (149.5) [currently 146]
Tyson’s Pick: Team D. Gelardi
Trevor’s Pick: Team Meurrens