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Friday Night All-Stars Week 27

Mike Devenney

Week 26 Recap

Trevor (115-91-0) : Tyson (116-92-0)

Ghost Writer Review

Cook vs Fleming – Trevor Cooks Team Fleming for a near 1200.

Howarth vs Rodych – Amanda shows her Dad who really runs St. James Lanes!

Nelson vs Lourenco – Belle shows Tyson who's the man of the house.

Naugler vs Campbell – Alyssa and Kyle Crush poor JJ and Jordan.

Hendrickson vs Lamonica – Cyndie shines, as Andrewless Team Lamonica shoot under 3500!

Stevenson vs SGelardi – Darren Maxwell “on crack”. Crushes Team SGelardi’s dreams.

Youzwa vs King – Team Youzwa fails to gain ground, as Slippert’s 618 double leads Team King to victory.

DGelardi vs Armstrong – Jeffers rebounds back as Team DGelardi gets a rare 2nd half W.


Match #1 – LAMONICA vs. D. GELARDI

Team LaMonica is playing fast and loose with their position on the A-side opting to take on Team Hendrickson without an anchor. It went about as well as you would expect it, and with Robbie Hendrickson (851) only capitalizing for one point, those are four unused points that could be critical in this home stretch of the season. It also did not help the rest of the team didn’t break 900 either as Jayden Nickerson (879) was the only member to take a win, defeating Patrick Walker (854) 3-2. Their opponent, is very comfortably in the A-side but only 13 points back of Team Cook for the season. They come in with some momentum having won three of their last four and last week’s victory showcasing strong bowling from all members. Notably at leadoff Chris Jeffers (904) shook off whatever went wrong last week to comeback with one of his top three performances this year, and sweeping Tim Hooper (709). Also quite notable was Jesse Leyte (1097) just missing the sweep on Karen Armstrong (913), having a big 859-triple to finish.

Key Matchup

Maybe Team LaMonica pulled their anchor last week in hopes that they could play with an extra man this week. Unless that’s the case, they are going to need to put together some big scores to stay in this one.

Casual Observer:

Team Lamonica needs Andrew to show up this week, LITERALLY! To stand any chance of slowing down Dwayne’s top league average. Key Factor if Turanski’s bowling is as hot as his luck on the double deck tables this could be a spicy match up!

Tyson’s Pick: Team D. Gelardi

Trevor’s Pick: Team D. Gelardi

Match #2 – KING vs. CAMPBELL

With this being the only match against a B-side team remaining on Team Campbell’s calendar a win is critical in their hunt to make A-side. They currently sit in a four team dog hunt for the last two spots in A-side. A pair of 1100s last week certainly helped their cause, as both Alyssa Campbell (1120) and Kyle Costello (1103) dominated their matches by a combined 445 pins over Jordan Nickerson (849) and Jeston Bartram (929). Even without an 1100 of her own, Jessica Meurrens (919) with her victory over Kevin Naugler (975) still remains one of the most dominant players in the second half improving her record to 9-2. The only person currently boasting a better record in the second half is Chris Dewar (891) at 10-1 , extending his winning streak to six weeks after walking all over Jesse Gagnon (831). The other commanding force on his team last week was Kevin Slippert (1080) who came out guns blazing on Marc Steves (1013) with his 618-double. The only loss their team took was at anchor where Wayne King (1005) lost a back and forth battle with Colton Youzwa (1025) that came down to a battle in the final frame.

The key for either team is the continued success of their current hot streak bowlers Chris and Jessica. If either breaks their pattern it will definitely hinder their team’s chances heavily.

Casual Observer:

Team King looks to play the role of spoiler, as Team Campbell is desperately trying to claw their way into the A-Side Roll offs. Currently 10th! If you’re on Team Nelson (7th), Lamonica (8th) or Armstrong (9th) You better Hope Wayne brings his A-game, as well as his Lime Juice!

Tyson’s Pick: Team Campbell

Trevor’s Pick: Team Campbell


Team Armstrong finds themselves in a very similar boat to Team Campbell as they look to avoid having Team Hendrickson play spoiler on them. The currently sit one point up on Team Campbell and two behind Team LaMonica. Last week was not their best showing either as Linda Orne (936) was the lone person over average, bulldozing Kevin Grabowski (720), however the favour was returned when Tim Hooper (709) apparently caught whatever Chriss Jeffers (904) had the week before and got equally demolished. This will be a good test for Team Hendrickson who have now won back to back weeks with those wins coming against some less than stellar competition, another B-side team and a 3-man team. The Brett (965) and Cyndie Barnett (1014) couple just steam rolled over Matt Turanksi (882) and Jeff Bradshaw (824). This sets a new season high for Cyndie and is the highest week for Brett since Week 12. The team had a golden opportunity to take a few more points but a rough night from Robbie Hendrickson (831) saw him win 1-0 over Andrew Lamonica’s (868) ghost.

Key Matchup

With the return of Chad Hurd this week I expect to see good things from his team, him a little more iffy after such a long break, but his energy seems to be a positive spark for his team that they have been missing.

Casual Observer:

Another spoiler Match-up as the Hendrickson Brothers look to silence the always dangerous duo of Randy and Karen! “Cyndie’s Bowling last week? Good! Tim’s Bowling last week? Bad! Chad’s Arm? Broken! Hotel? Trivago!”

Tyson’s Pick: Team Armstrong

Trevor’s Pick: Team Armstrong

Match #4 – NELSON vs. S. GELARDI

This match has big implications for Team Nelson who sit just inside the cut for A-side but only with 10 points of cushion, while Team S. Gelardi sits comfortably in A-side not in danger of dropping but also not within striking distance of aggregate. Team S. Gelardi had a very well rounded night with all players between 880 and 980, just unfortunately got out gunned by the pair of Michael Linsenmeier (1085) and Darren Maxwell (1156). Michael Young (965) managed to minimize the damage making a game four comeback against Jayson May (913) thanks to a 114-pin victory 283-169. Team Nelson was also the victim of a couple big nights from Alycia Mann (1039) and Belle Lourenco (1027). The only positive for their team was similarly in the third hole with Cindy Cousins (875) beating up on James Jubinville (862) as she has all season, giving her a clean 8-2 head-to-head record. The same can’t be said for Tyson Nelson (982) who with the loss saw his record against Belle this season shrink to only 7-3.

Key Matchup

With Michael at what many would call a bronze level he will really need the help of his teammates to pick him up in this match, especially seeing as Cindy boasts one of the league higher win percentages at 58%.

Casual Observer:

Tyson Needs his team’s help him big time this week, just like he needs his teammates help in Rocket league tournaments. Or else he could see his thin grasp of 7th in the league standings slip away!

Tyson’s Pick: Team S. Gelardi

Trevor’s Pick: Team S. Gelardi

Match #5 – COOK vs. HOWARTH

With Team Cook taking a commanding lead of the league, they are just going to be looking to keep pace with the field for the last four weeks, barring any major losses they should be good. A match against a B-side team is a good place to add some cushion, as long as they watch out for the bottom two of Team Howarth who have been deadly in the second half. The team coming off yet another 4000 week has lots of momentum, especially from Derek Sabourin (1002) who had an 827 triple to start the night before going limp in game four, but still managing to finish the sweep of Mark Prystupa (658). When you add this on top of Trevor Cook’s (1191) big night its understandable to see why total ended up 549 pins apart. Team Howarth had their own big scores as Glen Howarth (1073) laid an old school beatdown on Matt Rodych (929). Unfortunately, Matt came with backup and the rest of Team Howarth didn’t quite show up to party. Craig Enns (883) was on the losing end of a close match with Jennifer Devenney (939), but that shouldn’t hinder him this week as he has not lost back-to-back weeks since the start of this half, showing off his bounce back ability.

Key Matchup

With Glen bowling as well as he has in the second half I think as long as he stays close with Trevor and one of the top half on their team can have a solid night, this match could end up much closer than the standings would have you believe.

Casual Observer:

It’s a battle of young vs old this week. Team Howarth with a combined age of what I can only imagine being what Derek Sabourin's scale showed this morning! All jokes aside, Team Cook with a 4000+ vs Team Howarth's 3500 last week, could spell disaster for Team Howarth!

Tyson’s Pick: Team Cook

Trevor’s Pick: Team Cook

Match #6 – NAUGLER vs. YOUZWA

Team Youzwa will look to inflict some damage in this matchup tonight as they sit only two points up in the race for the second half and right now Team Naugler is looking like roadkill after back to back weeks under 10 points. Despite the low scores between Tabatha Gelardi (751) and Adam Williamson (762) it was honestly probably one of the best matches for suspense all night as no match was won by more than 16 pins and with the final game being the decider as Adam took it 208-195 for the 11-pin lead on total. The only other small victory for their team was Kevin Naugler (975) who managed two points with a game four 334-192 win over Jessica Meurrens (919), to avoid the sweep and take his total. Team Youzwa was in position last week to pull ahead and an off night from their top half was the real difference maker. Despite both Jennifer Duncan (710) and Jesse Gagnon (831) taking the first game, that would end up being their only points as both Garry Bell (829) and Chris Dewar (891) sweeping the rug right out from under them.

Key Matchup

Key for Team Naugler is Kevin needs to show up for more than one game and the key for Team Youzwa is to not give up wins to under average games, every point matters at this point in the season.

Casual Observer:

Team Youzwa with a rare loss in the second half sees them 16 points back of first for aggregate. In every position Team Youzwa has the statistical advantage in average. I look to Jeston to spark a fire in his team as he takes on his buddy Colton in the anchor position.

Tyson’s Pick: Team Youzwa

Trevor’s Pick: Team Youzwa

Match #7 – RODYCH vs. FLEMING

Team Fleming did not have the greatest night but Brooke Goulet (1115) gave her team a shot going ball for ball with Trevor Cook (1191) that saw her come out with two points despite nearly a 1200 shot at her. Brooke has been their shining light the past few weeks averaging 272 over the last three, this marking her second 1100 in that span. Team Rodych has kind of spread the light around their team all season and last night was no exception seeing as everyone was in the 870 to 940 range. This worked in their favour in the top three positions as they took 11/15 points. The one leading the charge for them the past few weeks has been Jennifer Devenney (939) who now rides a three week winning streak after coming out strong against Craig Enns (883). Also notably Amanda Devenney (871) possibly sending father Mike Devenney (744) into an early retirement after that ass kicking… if only he didn’t coach her so well.

Key Matchup

If this was just a match between Brooke and Matt I would give Team Fleming the win, but given the likelihood that the rest of the team shows up Team Rodych has a slight advantage.

Casual Observer:

Two Teams with tough seasons so far! I’d normally pick Team Rodych in this match up. Especially considering the good week they had compared to the beating Team Fleming took. However, it’s a KingPin tournament tonight and that always brings out the best in Mr.Prystupa. So, I'll take Team Fleming in a slight upset!

Tyson’s Pick: Team Rodych

Trevor’s Pick: Team Rodych


With both teams safely in the A-side this match means very different things to each of them. Team Stevenson sits only 8 points out of first in the half and Team Lourenco only 11 points out of first for the season. Team Lourenco certainly helped their cause last week with the women and Jon coming out to play, dragging James Jubinville (862) along for the ride. Most prominent in this matchup was Alycia Mann (1039) throwing lights out all night as she walked all over Lisa Fetch (821), setting both a new high game with her 328 but also a new high total with her first 1000 of the season. Jon Linley (863) also snapped his five-week losing streak on the back of Dave Duncan (742), taking advantage of Dave’s less than enthusiastic love of oily lanes. Also, Belle (1027) may have beat Tyson (982). Moving onto Team Stevenson, they had a strong showing from both Michael Linsenmeier (1085) and Darren Maxwell (1156). Michael’s week was also a season high and got him onto the club of bowlers who have multiple 300s on the same night. Their really only close match was at third where Jayson May (919) despite being 100% on all corner/chop spares found himself on the losing end of a rough 169-283 match against Michael Young (965) that ended up costing him his total.

Key Matchup

I think this is another match where the bowlers coming off season high weeks, Alycia and Michael, are going to dictate the narrative of the match. Both have shown the games are there, but will they continue?

Tyson’s Pick: Team Stevenson

Trevor’s Pick: Team Lourenco

Casual Observer:

Dylan should sit on the bench for Darren like he did for most of his Snowmen debut! Darren was what the kids would say CRACKED! Huge W



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